Monday, December 29, 2014

1 dead, hundreds stranded in Greek ferry disaster (251 People Rescued, 227 Still on Board)

ATHENS: Italian and Greek rescue crews battled gale-force winds and massive waves on Sunday as they struggled to evacuate hundreds of people trapped on a burning ferry adrift between Italy and Albania. At least one person died and two were injured.

The Italian defense ministry said 165 of the 478 people on the ferry had been rescued by Sunday evening, more than 14 hours after the fire erupted.

[**** 251 People Rescued, 227 Still on Board Norman Atlantic Ferry (Italian Navy) ] 

The fire broke out before dawn on Sunday on a car deck of the Italian-flagged Norman Atlantic, traveling from the western Greek port of Patras to the Italian port of Ancona on the Adriatic, with 422 passengers and 56 crew members on board.

Italy and Greece sent navy and coast guard vessels and helicopters, while nearby merchant ships lined up to form a barrier to protect the ferry from towering waves and facilitate rescue. As darkness fell, Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti said rescue operations would continue throughout the night.

Most of those rescued were transported to other nearby ships, but nine were taken to the Italian town of Lecce. Of those, three children and a pregnant woman were being treated for hypothermia in Lecce hospital. Dr. Raffaele Montinaro said the children were in `'excellent'' condition, and emergency room doctor, Antonio Palumbo, said the mother's condition was also good.

The Italian Navy said the man who died and one injured person were transported by helicopter to the southern Italian city of Brindisi. It was unclear how the death or injury occurred, but the Greek Coast Guard said both the pair were found in a lifeboat rescue chute.

The second injury was to a member of the Italian military involved in the rescue operation, Coast Guard Admiral Giovanni Pettorino said........................



  1. Norman Atlantic rescue update 5.50 am: saved 251 people, 227 still on board. Ongoing relief efforts by Marina Militare AND guardiacostiera

  2. 251 People Rescued, 227 Still on Board Norman Atlantic Ferry (Italian Navy)

  3. Πολεμικό σκάφος του Ιταλικού Πολεμικού Ναυτικού έχει προσεγγίσει το Norman Atlantic και σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες γίνεται προσπάθεια ώστε οι δεκάδες εγκλωβισμένοι να επιβιβαστούν από το ακυβέρνητο πλοίο στο σκάφος του Ιταλικού Πολεμικού Ναυτικού....

    Αυτή η προσπάθεια ενισχύεται και από τις σχετικά καλές καιρικές συνθήκες καθώς οι θυελλώδεις άνεμοι που έπνεαν καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια της χθεσινής ημέρας έχουν κοπάσει. Στο Norman Atlantic που εκδηλώθηκε πριν από περίπου 23 ώρες πυρκαγιά παραμένουν περίπου 300 επιβάτες και μέλη του πληρώματος.

  4. 07:17 - Ελικόπτερο Super Puma παρέλαβε τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες επτά άτομα (μεταξύ των οποίων τρεις Έλληνες) από το Norman Atlantic, και τα μεταφέρει στο Λέτσε.


    Στους επιβάτες του Norman Atlantic έχουν χορηγηθεί από τις ιταλικές αρχές είδη προστασίας και πρώτης ανάγκης, σύμφωνα με την τελευταία ενημέρωση από το Λιμενικό Σώμα.


    Ν. Λαγκαδιανός, εκπρόσωπος Τύπου του Λιμενικού Σώματος - Ελληνικής Ακτοφυλακής: Δεν έχει δηλωθεί τραυματισμός επιβατών ή μελών του πληρώματος.


    Λόγω των δυνατών ανέμων σταμάτησε η επιχείρηση μετεπιβίβασης επιβαινόντων σε παραπλέον ιταλικό πολεμικό σκάφος, ενώ σταμάτησε και η διαδικασία ρυμούλκησης του Norman Atlantic σε λιμάνι της Ιταλίας....................

  5. 7:34
    Norman Atlantic rescue: an Italian Navy team with doctor, nurse and flight operator is on board the ferry to facilitate rescue operations

  6. 7:34
    Soccorso Norman Atlantic a bordo del traghetto Team di Marina Militare con medico, infermiere e operatore di volo

  7. Continuano senza sosta le attività di soccorso. Tratti in salvo 251 passeggeri. (Guardia Costiera)

  8. 7:50
    BREAKING Update Norman Atlantic rescue: 254 people saved, 224 still on board. Italian Navy's LPD San Giorgio coordinates rescue operations (Marina Militare)

  9. 8:00
    BREAKING Update 07.00am NormanAtlantic rescue: saved 265 people, 213 still on board

  10. 9:40
    BREAKING Update Norman Atlantic rescue: 310 people saved, 168 still on board.(Marina Militare)

  11. 10:08
    Ultima Ora Aggiornamento soccorso Norman Atlantic 316 persone soccorse e 162 ancora a bordo del traghetto (Marina Militare)

  12. Ore 8.53 (9:53)- Marina Militare, 168 ancora a bordo....

    La Marina militare italiana su Twitter rende noto il bilancio dei soccorsi sul traghetto Norman Atlantic: 310 le persone portate via dalla nave, 168 ancora a bordo. In particolare 85 passeggeri sono sulla nave San Giorgio, uno è stato portato in elicottero all’ospedale di Grottaglie per una cardiopatia.............

  13. 9:20
    Norman Atlantic 284 persone tratte in salvo dai mezzi aerei della Guardia Costiera, Marina e Aeronautica, di cui 100 nella notte. (Guardia Costiera)

  14. Ore 9.16 (10:16) - Marina Militare, 162 ancora a bordo ...

    Sono 316 le persone tratte in salvo mentre 162 sono ancora a bordo del traghetto. È l’ultimo aggiornamento fornito dalla Marina Militare, via twitter, sullo stato delle operazioni di soccorso alla Norman Atlantic.............

  15. 10:10

  16. Ore 9.25 - Ministro Gentiloni: “Totale sintonia con Grecia e Albania”....

    Sulle operazioni di soccorso per il traghetto Norman Atlantic «Non c’è nessun contrasto. Vi è totale sintonia fra Italia, Grecia e Albania». Lo ha detto oggi il ministro degli Esteri Paolo Gentiloni, aggiungendo di avere verificato ieri tale sintonia con l’omologo greco Evangelos Venizelos. Il titolare della Farnesina ha poi voluto sottolineare che le «decisioni logistiche vengono prese dai tecnici»............

  17. Norman Atlantic la macchina dei soccorsi porta in salvo 335 persone.

    Dall'inizio dell'emergenza sono 37 le missioni dei mezzi aerei (Guardia Costiera)

    1. Ore 9.30 (10:30) - Tweet Guardia Costiera, 335 in salvo

      La macchina dei soccorsi porta in salvo 335 persone. Dall’inizio dell’emergenza della Norman Atlantic sono 37 le missioni dei mezzi aerei. Lo sottolinea la guardia costiera sul suo account Twitter.

  18. More than 120 people are still awaiting rescue on the deck of a blazing Italian ferry amid freezing temperatures off the Greek island of Corfu....

    Helicopter crews have been winching small groups of people to safety despite gale-force winds.

    The Italian coast guard said 356 of the 478 people on board had been evacuated by early Monday after a fire broke out on a car deck on Sunday.

    One person is confirmed dead but a passenger has said he saw more bodies.....................

  19. Vier weitere Tote entdeckt .... Olivenöl-Laster Schuld an Feuer auf Adria-Fähre?...

    Ersten Spekulationen zufolge sollen umgekippte Olivenöl-Lkws den Brand auf der Adria-Fähre ausgelöst haben. Mittlwerweile hat sich die Zahl der Toten auf fünf erhöht. Die Identitäten sind noch nicht bekannt.

    Rom/Athen - Bei dem Schiffsunglück auf der Adria sind mindestens fünf Menschen gestorben. Das bestätigte der griechische Minister für Handelsschifffahrt, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, am Montag. Zur Identität der Toten machte er keine weiteren Angaben. Bislang war offiziell nur von einem Toten aus Griechenland die Rede. Von den vier Toten hatte nach Medienberichten zunächst ein türkischer Passagier des Schiffes berichtet....................

  20. 419 evacuated from burning ferry keeping drifting to Albania (5 dead bodies, one yesterday and 4 today) .....

    The number of passengers evacuated from a burning ferry Norman Atlantic has reached 419, Italian coordinators of the rescue operation in the southern part of the Adriatic Sea said.
    83 passengers remain on board a ship in distress which keeps drifting to Albania’s coast.
    Italian naval helicopters are making non-stop shuttle flights between the ferry and San Giorgio-class amphibious assault ship evacuating passengers. It is a matter of minutes in the salvation of people, as the ferry is developing a larger list and the smoke is filling all compartments......................

  21. Italy ferry: All passengers evacuated after fatal fire ...

    All remaining passengers have been taken off the ferry Norman Atlantic, which caught fire off the island of Corfu, Italian officials say.

    Five people died in the incident. One man was killed when trying to escape the ship, and a further four bodies have been recovered from the sea.

    More than 400 people were rescued, in a long and complex operation amid gale-force winds and thick smoke.

    The Italian navy said the captain and four officials were still on the ship.

    It is unclear what caused the fire to break out on Sunday on the car deck of the ferry, which was carrying 478 people from the Greek city of Patras to Ancona in Italy............


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