Tuesday, January 6, 2015

EU urges Israel, Palestine to stop aggravating tense situation

The European Union foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini said here on Tuesday recent steps taken by Palestinians and Israelis could aggravate the already tense situation on the ground and bring them further away from a negotiated solution.

The decision of the Israeli government to halt the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority "runs counter to Israel's obligations under the Paris Protocol," Mogherini said in a statement.

An effective Palestinian Authority, committed to non-violence and a peaceful resolution of the conflict, is a key element for a two-state solution, she said, urging Israel and Palestine to refrain from taking actions that could raise obstacles to the rapid return to the negotiations.

She said the EU was providing considerable support, including financial assistance, to ensure the building of the institutions and infrastructure of a future Palestinian State. And these achievements should not be put at risk by not meeting obligations regarding the timely and transparent transfer of tax and custom revenues.

"The European Union will promote and support now more than ever efforts to achieve a lasting peace based on a two-state solution, including through the Middle East Quartet," she said.

Half a billion shekels, or about 128 million US dollars, in tax revenue that Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority for the month of December were being frozen. Israel made the decision last week to punish the Palestinians' bid to join the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Israel's collection of tax money for the Palestinian Authority was established under the 1993 Oslo Accords. The last time Israel froze the money's transfer was in April last year, following the Authority's reconciliation with Hamas and the establishment of a Palestinian unity government.

Palestinians sought to join the ICC after the UN Security Council rejected a resolution on Israel's withdrawal from the West Bank and East Jerusalem by 2017, in order for a Palestinian state to be established unilaterally.

  Source: Xinhua - globaltimes.cn


  1. Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the situation in Israel and Palestine...

    "Recent steps taken by Palestinians and Israelis could aggravate the already tense situation on the ground and bring them further away from a negotiated solution. Both sides should refrain from taking actions which could raise obstacles to the rapid return to the negotiations.

    The decision of the Israeli government to halt the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority runs counter to Israel's obligations under the Paris Protocol. An effective Palestinian Authority, committed to non-violence and a peaceful resolution of the conflict, is a key element for a two-State solution.

    In this regard, the EU is providing considerable support, including financial assistance, to ensure the building of the institutions and infrastructure of a future Palestinian State. These achievements should not be put at risk by not meeting obligations regarding the timely and transparent transfer of tax and custom revenues.

    The European Union will promote and support now more than ever efforts to achieve a lasting peace based on a two-state solution, including through the Middle East Quartet."

  2. The United States does not believe Palestine is a sovereign state and therefore does not qualify to be part of the International Criminal Court, the State Department said on Wednesday...

    "It doesn't qualify to join the ICC," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told a daily briefing.

    The United Nations said on Wednesday that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has confirmed the Palestinians will officially become a member of the ICC on April 1. REUTERS

  3. ICC Assembly of State Parties 'welcomes State of Palestine' Rome Statute documents ...

    The President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, Minister Sidiki Kaba, late Wednesday "welcomed the deposit by the State of Palestine of the instruments of accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court," after being notified by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in his capacity as depositary that he had officially received the Palestinians' application.

    A statement said that "the deposit of the instruments of accession by the State of Palestine," effected as of January 2, had brought the number of States Parties to the Rome Statute to 123.

    Kaba added that “each ratification of the Rome Statute constitutes welcome progress towards its universality. I call on all members of the United Nations to join this permanent and independent system of international justice to fight against impunity and prevent the most serious crimes under international law, which is based on the principle of complementarity with domestic jurisdictions.”

    The statement noted that in "a related development, the Government of Palestine accepted, by means of a declaration under article 12(3) of the Rome Statute, the ICC jurisdiction" since June 13.

    It added that also on Wednesday, the ICC Registrar addressed a letter "to the government of Palestine accepting this declaration and transmitted it to the Prosecutor for her consideration."


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