Sunday, May 17, 2015

Aidar battalion captures two Russian special operations officers in ATO zone (Photos)

The Aidar volunteer battalion has captured two Russian special operations officers in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) zone in Donbas, eastern Ukraine.

The information has been confirmed by Ukrainian presidential administration's spokesman for the ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko at a briefing in Kyiv on Sunday, an UNIAN correspondent reported.

"As for the detention, it's true – the detention took place. Indeed, two Russian servicemen have been detained, and our investigators are now working with them. There is no other information," Lysenko said when confirming information that Aidar fighters had captured two officers of Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate, also known as GRU.

Earlier, the fact of the detention was reported by civil volunteers.

Doctor from Luhansk Grigory Maximets wrote on his Facebook page that Russian special operations forces deployed now in the militant-controlled city of Luhansk had attacked Ukrainian troops near the town of Schastia. Two captive Russian officers from Samara [Oblast] (a military special forces unit from the city of Togliatti, Russia) were brought to Aidar's medical corps and hospital No. 59 on Saturday.

He mentioned the names of the captive officers, they are Sasha Aleksandrov and Yevgeniy Yeroveyev.


  1. Ukrainische Armee nimmt angeblich zwei russische Offiziere fest...

    In der Nähe des Kampfgebietes in der Ostukraine sind laut Angaben der ukrainischen Regierung zwei russische Offiziere gefangen genommen worden.

    Nahe des Kampfgebiets in der Ostukraine sind laut der Regierung in Kiew zwei russische Offiziere gefangen genommen worden. Sie seien im Ort Schchastia unweit der Frontlinie in Gewahrsam des Freiwilligen-Bataillons Aidar, sagte der ukrainische Militärsprecher Andrii Lysenko. Die Männer würden von Ermittlern verhört.

    Der Aidar-Bataillon teilte auf seiner Facebook-Seite mit, die beiden Russen seien am Sonntagmorgen bei Kämpfen in der Gegend verwundet und festgesetzt worden. Am selben Tag postete der ukrainische Abgeordnete Anton Heraschchenko ein Video auf Facebook, das ein Verhör von einem der Männer zeigen soll. Zu sehen ist ein in einem Krankenhausbett liegender junger Mann, der sich als Offizier Alexander Alexandrow von einer russischen Spezialeinheit der Stadt Toljatti vorstellt. Er gehöre dort einer Gruppe von 14 Männern an und sei seit dem 6. März in der ostukrainischen Rebellenhochburg Luhansk stationiert. Alle vier bis fünf Tage pendle er mit seinen Kameraden in und aus der Umgebung von Schchastia.

    Die Stadt liegt weniger als 20 Kilometer nördlich von dem von den prorussischen Separatisten beherrschten Luhansk entfernt. Schchastia ist umkämpft. Der seit einem Jahr andauernde Konflikt in der Ostukraine hat mehr als 6.100 Menschen das Leben gekostet. Die russische Regierung weist den Vorwurf, die Separatisten mit Rekruten zu unterstützen, stets zurück.

  2. Russian soldier said captured in Ukraine admits on video to spying mission...

    One of two Russian servicemen Ukraine says it captured while fighting with separatists in eastern Ukraine admitted on a video circulating on Monday that he had been part of a Russian special forces spying mission.

    Moscow, which has acknowledged in the past that Russian national "volunteers" might be fighting for the separatists, repeated its denial that any regular Russian troops were involved in the campaign which has cost over 6,100 lives.

    The wounded soldier, who identified himself as a sergeant in the 'spetsnaz' from the central Russian city of Togliatti, said he was part of a 14-member group operating near the big border town of Luhansk.

    The video could not be independently verified but if the soldier, who spoke from a hospital bed, did turn out to be a serving Russian officer it would support Kiev's accusations of direct Russian military involvement in the separatist conflict.

    The Ukrainian military said on Sunday that the two Russian soldiers had been captured during a battle with rebels at Shchastya, near Luhansk, in which a Ukrainian soldier was killed.

  3. Moscow Admits Two Fighters Captured in Ukraine Are Ex-Russian Soldiers...

    Russia's Defense Ministry has identified two fighters captured in Ukraine as former servicemen in the Russian military — a concession that echoes rights advocates' claims that Moscow has been discharging its soldiers from the army before sending them to fight alongside separatists in the Donbass.

    The fighters, Alexander Alexandrov and Yevgeny Yerofeyev, whom Ukrainian forces captured in the rebel-controlled Luhansk region, "were not active servicemen in the Russian armed forces at the moment of their capture on May 17," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Monday.

    However, "we have checked up on the information of the Ukrainian side — these boys previously have in fact served in one of the Russian military units and have military training," Konashenkov said, according to comments carried by Russia's major state-run news agencies.

    It remained unclear when the men might have been discharged from the Russian military. Separatists in Luhansk claimed that the fighters were serving in rebel "militia" and have released photos of their rebel-issued military IDs, both dated this year.

    Ukraine has identified the fighters as officers from the GRU, the foreign military intelligence branch of Russia's army, and released a video with the men saying they had been part of a Russian special forces spying mission. In the video, which could not be independently verified, Alexandrov also says that his group has been in eastern Ukraine since earlier this year.

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked to comment, said: "Both we and the Defense Ministry have said multiple times that there are no Russian servicemen in the Donbass."..............

  4. Ukraine crisis: President Poroshenko talks of 'real war' with Russia...

    Ukraine's president has told the BBC his country is now in a "real war" with Russia - and that Ukrainians should prepare for a Russian offensive.

    President Petro Poroshenko told the BBC's Fergal Keane he did not trust his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

    However he said he had no option but to negotiate with Mr Putin.

    Russia denies Western accusations that it has sent regular troops and armour to help the rebels in eastern Ukraine.

    The United Nations says at least 6,000 people have been killed since fighting started in eastern Ukraine in April 2014.

    Pro-Russian rebels made significant gains in the region, including, most recently, the rail hub of Debaltseve. They, and Russia, have denied they are receiving Moscow's support.

    But Russia's role has again come into question, after the capture on Saturday of two men Ukraine said were elite Russian soldiers working in eastern Ukraine.

    In a video, the men confirmed they were active Russian servicemen, but Moscow said they were no longer employed by the state when they were caught.....BBC

  5. Ukraine charges two suspected Russian soldiers with 'terrorist activity'...

    Ukraine has charged two suspected Russian soldiers who were captured during a gun battle in the separatist eastern region of Lugansk with involvement in "terrorist activity", a security official said Wednesday.

    Ukrainian Security Service spokesman Markiyan Lubkivsky wrote on Facebook that Captain Yevgeny Yerofeyev and Sergeant Aleksander Aleksandrov, now convalescing in a Kiev military hospital, were also allowed to telephone their relatives in Russia.

    Moscow has said that the two men were once members of the Russian armed forces but had been demobilised by the time they crossed into the Ukrainian war zone nearly two months ago.

    The men are alleged to have testified during a taped interrogation that they were members of a 200-strong Russian reconnaissance unit that entered the warzone nearly two months ago.

    Moscow acknowledges the presence of Russian "volunteers" and off-duty servicemen in Ukraine while rejecting charges that they were there under orders from President Vladimir Putin's generals.......AFP

  6. Ukraine suspends military and technical cooperation with Russia, says Yatseniuk...

    The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to suspend an agreement from 1993 on military and technical cooperation with Russia, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said at a government meeting on Wednesday.
    According to Yatseniuk, Russia represents a danger to the security and territorial integrity of the country, therefore the Cabinet of Ministers decided to terminate the deal.

    Notably, in November last year, the Security Service of Ukraine assured that no Ukrainian defense enterprises and enterprises manufacturing dual-use products were cooperating with the Russians.

    Experts say the termination of cooperation will not be damaging to Ukraine, as it will reorient to other markets, as well as satisfy local rearmament needs.


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