Thursday, November 5, 2015

US Found Questionable Allies in Fight Against ISIL in Syria - (German Media)

The US has found questionable allies in the Syrian conflict. By supporting the new alliance of Arab and Kurdish militias, or “Syrian Democratic Forces,” Washington risks fueling another serious conflict and strengthen jihadists, Der Spiegel wrote.

Cooperation with the “Syrian Democratic Forces” is a risky undertaking for US President Barack Obama. By helping the new alliance, he may contribute to the strengthening of ISIL and the deterioration of the situation in the country, the article said.

The “Syrian Democratic Forces” are an alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias established in October 2015. According to the magazine, it has direct connections with the Kurdish “People's Protection Units” (YPG) — Kurdish armed forces, fighting against Islamic State.

The problem is that many Syrians do not trust the YPG, as the movement pursues its own goals of establishing autonomous regions in the north of Syria. Amnesty International documented cases when YPG militants expelled the population from certain territories on the pretext of their alleged support for ISIL.

If “Syrian Democratic Forces” continue to be perceived as a Kurdish national alliance, then it would be meaningless to rely on it as an ally in the conflict. Moreover, moving closer to the Arab areas, the alliance may contribute to an increase in jihadist supporters because Arabs would definitely not be excited to see their old enemy (Kurds) in their territories.


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