Monday, November 9, 2015

Zarif: Next Vienna Talks Must Identify ’Terrorist Groups’ in Syria

The next meeting in Vienna on the Syrian crisis must draw up a list of "terrorist groups", Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday.

"There are two important items on the agenda for the next meeting of Vienna," Zarif told a news conference with his visiting Belgian counterpart Didier Reynders.

"First is determining which groups are terrorists, which is clear to us. And then agreeing on how to proceed" from there, Zarif said.

Seventeen countries, including Russia, the US, France, and for the first time Iran, met in late October in Vienna to discuss the possibilities of a political settlement of the crisis that has raged for more than four years and left more than 250,000 dead in Syria.

A new round of meetings is to take place soon.

Zarif added that he did not yet know at what level Iran will participate in the next round.

"It is an international duty to fight terrorism. Then it is up to the Syrian people to determine their own future. We can only facilitate, not decide" for Syrians, he added.

Zarif stressed the importance of preventing terrorist groups from selling oil and cutting their access to financial sources.

"How terrorist groups, including Daesh, are selling oil? Who buys this oil? Which banks retain and transfer their oil revenues and let them use it?" he asked, using Islamic State group's Arabic name.

For his part, Reynders praised "the participation of Iran in the search for a solution in Syria".

Faced with "terrorism" and the massive influx of Syrian refugees in Europe, "we (with Iran) have every reason to seek a political solution," he said.
Source: AFP

1 comment:

  1. Iran has yet to decide on going to Syria talks in Vienna - official...

    Iran's deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday that Tehran had yet to decide whether to participate in talks on the Syria crisis in Vienna later this week, Lebanon-based al Mayadeen television reported.

    It cited Hossein Amir Abdollahian as saying participation depended on Washington's "answers regarding some unilateral actions taken by some of the sides" attending the talks "without consulting others". The newsflash did not elaborate.

    Abdollahian made the remarks on a visit to Beirut, where he was meeting Lebanese officials.

    A top advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted last week as saying Iran would attend the talks, but warned over unspecified "red lines".

    Tehran recently warned it would quit Syria peace talks if it found them unconstructive, citing what it called the negative role of its regional rival Saudi Arabia................


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