Friday, July 14, 2023

Residential building damaged from detonation of Ukrainian drone in Russia’s Kursk Region

A Ukrainian drone fell in the town of Kurchatov in Russia’s borderline Kursk Region last night, with the facade and windows of a residential building being damaged from the detonation; there were no casualties, Governor Roman Starovoit reported on his Telegram channel.

"An unmanned aerial vehicle fell in the town of Kurchatov last night. A residential building was partially damaged, with its facade being scarred and the windows being broken," Starovoit wrote.

The authorities will help the residents of the building in repair efforts; there were no casualties in the incident. "No critical facilities were damaged when the drone detonated as it fell," the governor added.

1 comment:

  1. Губернатор Курской области Роман Старовойт сообщил в своем Telegram-канале о падении беспилотника ночью в Курчатове, обошлось без пострадавших, критически важные объекты не повреждены.
    "Ночью в городе Курчатове произошло падение БПЛА. К счастью, никто из жителей не пострадал. Критически важные объекты в результате падения беспилотника и его последующей детонации повреждены не были", - сообщил Старовойт.


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