Friday, July 14, 2023

Russian Defense Ministry reported uncontrollably drifting Ukrainian naval mines in the Black Sea

The command of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) of Russia issued a mine warning on the shipping route in the northwestern part of the Black Sea due to the discovery of a Ukrainian sea mine that was drifting uncontrollably in the waters. This was reported in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on July 14.

The explosive device thus posed a threat to civilian ships. The charge was installed by Ukrainian nationalists at the beginning of 2022 during indiscriminate mining of the Black Sea coastal area.

The lack of professionalism and irresponsibility of the naval forces (Navy) of Ukraine led to constant threats to shipping, stressed in the defense department.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation recalled the case in March last year, when two Ukrainian anchor mines, laid off the coast of Odessa, were found drifting in the waters of Romania and Turkey.

1 comment:

  1. Черноморский флот предупредил мореплавателей о наличии минной опасности в северо-западной части Черного моря, сообщает Министерство обороны России.

    Предупреждение связано с тем, что была обнаружена украинская морская мина, которая бесконтрольно дрейфовала и создавала опасность для гражданских судов.

    В российском военном ведомстве уточнили, что мину установили украинские ВМС в начале прошлого года во время беспорядочного минирования прибрежных вод Черного моря.


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