Saturday, March 23, 2024

Ukraine Likely Had Prior Knowledge of Moscow Terrorist Threat

Eleven suspects have been detained by Russian security services in relation to the terrorist attack, including the four suspected perpetrators who were apprehended as they were trying to flee the country across the border with Ukraine.

During an interview with Sputnik, political and military analyst Sergey Poletaev pointed out that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officially announced that the suspected terrorists had contacts in Ukraine.

According to Poletaev, even if the reports about the perpetrators being Tajikistani citizens are true, the attack in Moscow could have been masterminded either by some kind of Islamist terrorist organization that has ties with Ukraine, or even by Ukraine directly.

In any case, he noted, it appears that the Ukrainian leadership had prior knowledge of this act of terror, “which makes them accomplices, at the very least.”

Poletaev also argued that while the attack was likely planned by professionals, it does not necessarily mean that the perpetrators were equally skilled, with the analyst observing how high school students sometimes kill dozens of people during shooting sprees.


  1. Лидер французской партии "Патриоты", кандидат на выборах в Европарламент Флориан Филиппо призвал в соцсети X провести полное расследование возможных связей Украины с терактом в "Крокус Сити Холле".
    "Теперь необходимо потребовать проведение полного расследования возможных связей (теракта. — Прим. ред.) с Украиной и того, на что в действительности идут миллиарды, которые мы туда (на Украину. — Прим. ред.) отправляем в течение более двух лет", — сказал он.

  2. Russia’s special services and law enforcement agencies are investigating the incident at the Crocus City Hall music venue, so the culprits, organizers and contractors of this terrorist attack will be brought to account, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

    "The Russian special services and law enforcement agencies are investigating what happened. The perpetrators, organizers and contractors of the terrorist attack will be hold accountable. The required legal and political assessments will be given. We sincerely thank everyone who did not remain indifferent in the wake of the tragedy," the diplomat said.


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