Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hezbollah's Border Offensive Pushes Back Israeli Forces

Hezbollah fighters and Israeli forces are engaged in intense border clashes, with Israel reporting substantial military casualties, as Hezbollah continues its attacks in support of Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

Hand-to-hand combat between Hezbollah fighters and Israeli soldiers in border areas has resulted in hundreds of Israeli casualties, with many soldiers reported dead or injured in recent days, according to the Israeli military.

Despite nearly two weeks of attempts to penetrate Lebanon’s border regions, Israeli forces have been repeatedly pushed back by Hezbollah fighters. Hezbollah released its seventh statement on Tuesday, saying: “In support of the resilient Palestinian people in Gaza, and to back their brave and honorable resistance, while defending Lebanon and its people, Hezbollah fighters targeted Israeli forces at 6:20 a.m. with machine guns and rockets as Israeli infantry attempted to infiltrate the eastern outskirts of the town of Rubb Thalathin. The clashes are ongoing.”

Israeli forces, facing heavy casualties during their efforts to invade Lebanon, have been forced to retreat multiple times. Hezbollah said that during this period, hundreds of Israeli soldiers have been killed or wounded in ground clashes.

Strict military censorship in Israel has prevented the publication of accurate casualty figures, but Hebrew media reported that 16 Israeli soldiers have been killed and 305 wounded since ground operations began in southern Lebanon. However, sources familiar with the situation suggest the true number of Israeli casualties is much higher. Images showing Israeli military helicopters evacuating the dead and wounded from the Lebanese border further support these claims.

1 comment:

  1. Le Hezbollah affirme mardi avoir stoppé une nouvelle avancée des forces terrestres israéliennes dans le sud du Liban.

    Selon le mouvement libanais, les soldats israéliens ont tenté de pénétrer dans un site proche de la ville de Marjayoun par l'est. Ces tentatives auraient été accompagnées de tirs israéliens continus la nuit dernière, a rapporté l'agence nationale de presse libanaise (NNA). De son côté, l'armée israélienne a répondu qu'elle ne commentait pas les mouvements de ses troupes.


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