Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Medvedev: Ukraine underestimates the gravity of the situation with overdue payments for Russian gas.

GORKI, October 29. (Itar-Tass) – Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev believes that his Ukrainian counterpart underestimates the gravity of the situation with the country’s debt for Russian gas.

Medvedev noted that Ukraine has voiced statements, suggesting they understand that there are problems regarding payments for gas, but these problems are not critical. “This was said by my colleague Nikolai Yanovich Azarov,” the Prime Minister said, adding: “I believe that it’s a very mild way to put it. Problems exist, and they’re very much critical.”

Medvedev also noted the high volume of overdue domestic gas payments, which has recently surpassed 100 million rubles. “This gas communism has to end,” the Prime Minister said.


  1. President's spokesman: Ukraine's gas debt has nothing to do with EU agreement...

    MOSCOW, October 29 (Itar-Tass) - The topic of Ukraine's gas debt is not related to its plans to sign an association agreement with the European Union, Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Russian president said in response to the Itar-Tass question if Gazprom's statement could in any way be associated with the discussions at the summits in Minsk, Belarus, last week or to the meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents in Sochi on Saturday.

    "The topic of gas debts is certainly not among political issues and in no way relates to associated membership in the European Union," Peskov said.

    He confirmed that the problem of debt for supplied Russian gas was indeed ripe and that it actually coincided in time with the discussions about the consequences for trade and economic relations between Kiev and Moscow as a result of Ukraine's signing the agreement with the EU.

    The presidential spokesman reminded that Gazprom had shown "maximum flexibility" for a long time meeting its Ukrainian partners halfway.

    "Yet the time comes when we have to clearly state our position, most importantly the date to pay debts," Peskov said.

    Russia would certainly be opposed to any politicizing of financial and economic relations between Gazprom and Ukrainian partners, he added.

    At the summits in Minsk last week, the participants discussed the ways of developing the Customs Union and the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, and also reviewed these issues in the light of Ukraine's expected euro integration. The discussion continued at a separate meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian Presidents, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Yanukovich, in Sochi. "It is not known how actively the gas topic featured in the discussions between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders," Peskov noted.

    On Tuesday, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said the company was mulling prepayment for gas supplies to Ukraine because of its violation of terms of payment......http://www.itar-tass.com/c32/931687.html

  2. Αλεξέι Μίλερ: Να Διευθετηθούν Άμεσα οι Οφειλές της Ουκρανίας Προς την Gazprom...

    Σε δήλωση προέβη ο πρόεδρος της ρωσικής Gazprom, Αλεξέι Μίλερ, σχετικά με το ζήτημα των οφειλών της Ουκρανίας για το φυσικό αέριο που εισάγει:

    «Μας απασχολεί ιδιαίτερα το ζήτημα των συσσωρευμένων ληξιπρόθεσμων οφειλών της Ουκρανίας έναντι των παραδόσεων ρωσικού φυσικού αερίου.

    Το τελευταίο διάστημα η Gazprom έχει επιδείξει μεγάλη ευαισθησία βοηθώντας τους Ουκρανούς συναδέλφους να ανταποκριθούν στις συμβατικές τους υποχρεώσεις. Για να βοηθήσουμε μάλιστα την Ουκρανική Naftogas να πληρώσει για το αέριο που έχει ήδη παραλάβει, εγκαίρως προκαταβάλλαμε την πληρωμή των τελών διαμετακόμισης που αφορούν στη διέλευση του αερίου από τα Ουκρανικά εδάφη. Για την ώρα έχουμε προκαταβάλλει τις σχετικές υποχρεώσεις μέχρι και τον Ιανουάριο του 2015.

    Πρόσφατα, λάβαμε ακόμη μία σημαντική απόφαση. Προκειμένου να βοηθήσουμε την Ουκρανία να ανταποκριθεί στις φθινοπωρινές και χειμερινές ανάγκες και να ανεφοδιάσει τις υπόγειες αποθήκες φυσικού αερίου με τις απαιτούμενες ποσότητες, προσφέραμε στην Ουκρανία σημαντική έκπτωση. Πωλήσαμε 5 δισεκατομμύρια κυβικά μέτρα προς 269 δολάρια ΗΠΑ ανά χίλια κυβικά μέτρα, ήτοι εξοικονόμηση πάνω από μισό δισεκατομμύριο δολάρια ΗΠΑ για την Ουκρανία.

    Τέλος, με τις παρούσες οικονομικές συμφωνίες, έχουμε στηρίξει την Ουκρανία σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα, συναινώντας στην καθυστέρηση της αποπληρωμής των παραδόσεων ρωσικού φυσικού αερίου. Μόνο τον Αύγουστο, επετράπη στην Ουκρανία να εξοφλήσει το ποσό των 882 εκατομμυρίων δολαρίων ΗΠΑ με σχετική καθυστέρηση, την 1η Οκτωβρίου. Ωστόσο, βρισκόμαστε ήδη στο τέλος Οκτωβρίου και η εξόφληση δεν έχει πραγματοποιηθεί.

    Πρόκειται για μία πολύ σοβαρή κατάσταση, αφού σύμφωνα με τη σύμβαση, η μη τήρηση των συμβατικών υποχρεώσεων που αφορούν στην πληρωμή, οδηγεί σε υποχρέωση προκαταβολής των παραδόσεων φυσικού αερίου.

    Αυτό το ζήτημα πρέπει να διευθετηθεί άμεσα!»

  3. Russia and Ukraine edge closer to 'gas war'....Gazprom demands payment of half a billion pounds in arrears in move seen by some as punishment for aligning with EU...

    The possibility of a new "gas war" between Russia and Ukraine inched closer on Tuesday, as the Russian state energy giant Gazprom complained that Kiev had outstanding debts of over half a billion pounds and demanded swift payment.

    Gazprom's concern comes a month before Ukraine is due to sign up for closer ties with the European Union, a deal that has infuriated the Kremlin.

    The complaint brought back memories of crises in 2006 and 2009 in which Russia turned off the gas to Ukraine, leaving many European nations that rely on pipelines passing through the country without energy in the middle of winter.

    Russia wants Ukraine to join its own Customs Union of former Soviet states, and has repeatedly sent dire warnings that by signing the deal with Europe, Ukraine will lose billions of dollars and face myriad problems. One Kremlin economic adviser even predicted that if the deal is signed "political and social unrest" will ensue and Russia could cease to recognise Ukraine's status as a sovereign state.......http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/29/russia-ukraine-gazprom-gas-war

  4. Ukraine’s gas debt to Russia may be solved on Monday, November 4.....

    The talks between the two sides are in the final stage, but it’s unclear how Ukraine will find money to pay off the debt. Head of Russia’s state-run gas monopoly Gazprom Alexei Miller said that Ukraine’s debt for gas supplied in August was $882 million.
    Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2013_11_02/Ukraine-s-gas-debt-to-Russia-to-be-resolved-8047/

  5. Go for broke: Ukraine’s risky EU trade deal...

    Tough admission standards could keep Ukraine’s trade integration with the European Union on hold, and if the process is dragged out long enough, it may be forced back into the arms of its ex-Soviet ally, Russia.

    European Union ministers will meet on November 18 ahead of the Vilnius summit and decide if Kiev has met enough criteria to sign the dotted line on its trade association agreement.

    The Ukrainian government approved their draft resolution on September 18 and the agreement will either get a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Lithuania on November 28-29.

    If European Union officials reject Ukraine from their trade association, Kiev will need to reconsider Moscow's proposal to join the Russia-led Eurasian Customs Union......http://rt.com/business/ukraine-eu-trade-agreement-088/

  6. Naftogaz zahlt nur 15 Mio US-Dollar für Oktober-Gas – Gazprom spricht von Milliardenschulden....

    Der ukrainische Versorger Naftogaz wird dem russischen Monopolisten Gazprom für das im Oktober bezogene Gas nur 15 Millionen US-Dollar zahlen.

    Das sagte ein ranghoher Naftogaz-Vertreter, der anonym bleiben wollte, am Donnerstag in Kiew nach Angaben der ukrainischen Nachrichtenagentur UNIAN. „Naftogaz wird für Oktober nur für das real bezogene Gas zahlen - 15 Millionen Dollar“, wurde der Gesprächspartner von der Agentur zitiert.

    Zuvor hatte Gazprom-Sprecher Sergej Kuprijanow erklärt, dass Naftogaz am (heutigen) Donnerstag 1,335 Milliarden Dollar für das Oktober-Gas zu zahlen hat. Laut Vertrag, in dem die Bedingung „take or pay“ festgeschrieben ist, soll Naftogaz bis zum 7. eines Monats für den vorangegangenen Monat zahlen.


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