Wednesday, May 14, 2014

France says Syria used chlorine in 14 recent attacks

Syria may have used chemical weapons involving chlorine in 14 attacks in recent months, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Tuesday, expressing concerns that Syrian President Bashar Assad is hiding toxic weapons.
"We have at least 14 indications that show us that, in the past recent weeks again, chemical weapons in a smaller scale have been used, in particular chlorine," Fabius told a news conference through an interpreter. "Right now we are examining the samples that were taken."

Fabius made the comments during a visit to Washington where he discussed the crises in Syria and Ukraine with his American counterpart John Kerry.

Fabius said the Assad government had handed over 92 percent of its chemical weapons stockpile under an international agreement overseen by the watchdog Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

But France believed the Assad government was hiding some of the stockpiles and the reports involving chlorine gas attacks indicated he still had the ability to produce chemical weapons.

"What it shows is that (the) Bashar Assad regime in spite of its commitment continues to be able to produce chemical weapons and to use them," Fabius said.

He pointed at France's efforts within the United Nations to refer the three-year-old civil war in Syria to the International Criminal Court for possible prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The 15-member council is due to meet on Wednesday to discuss the draft and it could be voted on within days, diplomats said. But Russia, a veto-wielding council member and ally of Assad, has made clear it is against such a move.................[]



1 comment:

  1. Fabius "regrette" que Washington n'ait pas frappé la Syrie...

    Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius a estimé à Washington que le régime syrien a utilisé à 14 reprises des armes chimiques depuis octobre. Il dit "regretter" que Washington n'ait pas frappé la Syrie à l'automne 2013.

    "Nous avons des éléments, au moins 14 éléments, qui montrent que dans les semaines récentes, de nouveau des armes chimiques en plus petite quantité ont été utilisées, notamment du chlore" depuis le 25 octobre 2013, a déclaré Laurent Fabius, mardi 13 mai lors d'une conférence de presse à Washington...............


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