Thursday, March 26, 2015

Co-pilot appeared to want to 'destroy the plane'

The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor said Thursday.
Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps.

It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said.

The information was pulled from the black box cockpit voice recorder, but Robin said the co-pilot did not say a word after the commanding pilot left the cockpit.

"It was absolute silence in the cockpit," he said.

During the final minutes of the flight's descent, pounding could be heard on the door as alarms sounded, he said.

In the German town of Montabaur, acquaintances said Lubitz was in his late twenties and showed no signs of depression when they saw him last fall as he renewed his glider pilot's license.

"He was happy he had the job with Germanwings and he was doing well," said a member of the glider club, Peter Ruecker, who watched him learn to fly. "He gave off a good feeling."

Lubitz had obtained his glider pilot's license as a teenager, and was accepted as a Lufthansa pilot trainee after finishing a tough German college preparatory school, Ruecker said. He described Lubitz as a "rather quiet" but friendly young man................


  1. Crash A320: selon le PDG de la Lufthansa, il s'agirait plutôt d'un suicide...

    "Il n'y a aucun signe, aucun indice qui laisse penser qu'il s'agirait d'un attentat terroriste" a déclaré, ce jeudi en début d'après-midi en conférence de presse, le PDG de la Lufthansa, dont un des avions de sa filiale Germanwings s'est écrasé mardi dans le sud de la France. Des propos qui viennent compléter ceux du procureur de la République de Marseille, Brice Robin, pour qui le copilote de l'A320 de la Germanwings, alors seul aux commandes, a actionné la descente de l'appareil. "Cette action sur le sélectionneur d'altitude ne peut être que volontaire"..........

  2. Crash en France: «Les victimes n’ont réalisé qu’au dernier moment ce qu’il se passait»...

    Le procureur de la République de Marseille, Brice Robin, en charge du dossier sur le crash de l’Airbus A320, a donné ce jeudi une conférence de presse dans un salon de l’aéroport de Marseille sur les derniers instants du pilote et du copilote dans le cockpit.
    La retranscription de la conférence de presse

    « Le relevage des corps a commencé depuis hier après-midi et la chaîne d’identification par ADN est lancée. A ce jour, nous n’avons toujours pas retrouvé la deuxième boîte noire. Nous avons la retranscription des 30 dernières minutes du vol en intégralité. Durant les 20 premières minutes, les deux pilotes échangent de façon normale, courtoise.

    On entend ensuite le commandant de bord préparer le briefing de l’atterrissage à Düsseldorf. Les réponses du copilote semblent laconiques. On entend le commandant de bord demander au copilote de prendre les commandes. On entend à la fois le bruit d’un siège qui recule et celui d’une porte qui se ferme. On peut légitimement penser qu’il s’est absenté pour aller aux toilettes. Seul, le copilote actionne les boutons du flight monitoring system pour actionner la descente de l’appareil. L’action sur ce sélectionneur d’altitude ne peut être que volontaire..............

  3. Crash de l'A320: la France demande le concours du FBI...

    Paris a officiellement demandé au Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) de prêter son concours à l'enquête sur les causes de la catastrophe de l'Airbus A320 dans les Alpes françaises, a annoncé jeudi CNN............

  4. The co-pilot who appears to have deliberately crashed a plane carrying 149 others into the French Alps received psychiatric treatment for a "serious depressive episode" six years ago, German newspaper Bild reported....

    Citing internal documents and Lufthansa sources, Bild said Mr Lubitz spent a total of one-and-a-half years in psychiatric treatment.

    It reported that the relevant documents would be passed to French investigators once they had been examined by German authorities.

    Lufthansa Chief Executive Carsten Spohr told a news conference yesterday that Mr Lubitz had taken a break during his training six years ago, but did not explain why and said he had passed all tests to be fit to fly.

    "Six years ago there was a lengthy interruption in his training. After he was cleared again, he resumed training. He passed all the subsequent tests and checks with flying colours. His flying abilities were flawless," Spohr said.....................

  5. Motives of pilot for crashing Germanwings plane remain unclear...

    he motives of German pilot Andreas Lubitz for crashing a Germanwings Airbus, killing all 150 people onboard, remain unclear.

    Investigators are considering different theories, including terrorism, epileptic seizure and suicide. Data retrieved from the black box suggest the pilot was calmly breathing at the moment when the plane skydived at 700 km/h.

    Police also searched Lubitz’ flat late on Thursday. A number of items have been removed and taken for tests. It was also established that the pilot was undergoing a psychiatric treatment for a year and a half. According to the German Bild newspaper, Lubitz suffered from depression and experienced problems at pilot training because of this..............

  6. Alps crash co-pilot Andreas Lubitz hid the details of an existing illness from his employers, German prosecutors say...

    They said there was no evidence of a political or religious motive to his actions, and no suicide note was found.

    Duesseldorf prosecutors did not say what illness Mr Lubitz had.

    But German media have said Mr Lubitz's internal documents suggested he suffered depression and required ongoing assessment................

  7. German prosecutors say they have found evidence that the co-pilot of the Germanwings plan which crashed in the French Alps appears to have hidden evidence of an illness from his employers...

    Prosecutors in the western city of Duesseldorf say they seized medical documents from the home of Andreas Lubitz that indicate "an existing illness and appropriate medical treatment."................

  8. Germanwings co-pilot 'planned a place in history'...

    An ex-girlfriend of the co-pilot who deliberately crashed a Germanwings plane, killing all 150 on board, has told how he vowed to "do something" history would remember him by, according to reports.

  9. Le copilote Lubitz voulait que "tout le monde se souvienne de son nom"...

    Le copilote responsable du crash de l'A320 de Germanwings avait déclaré qu'il ferait un jour "quelque chose qui allait changer tout le système" et que "tout le monde se souviendrait de son nom", a déclaré son ex-compagne au magazine allemand "Bild".

    Le magazine allemand "Bild" a révélé dans son édition du samedi 28 mars que le copilote Andreas Lubitz, soupçonné d'avoir délibérément provoqué le crash de l'Airbus A320 de Germanwings, aurait pu avoir planifié son acte. Selon son ex-compagne, Maria W., une hôtesse de l'air de 26 ans, Andreas Lubitz avait déclaré qu'il ferait un jour "quelque chose qui allait changer tout le système" et que "tout le monde se souviendrait de [son] nom".............

  10. Пилот Лубиц жаловался на условия работы и нехватку денег, сообщила его бывшая подруга...

    Предполагаемый виновник крушения немецкого лайнера Андреас Лубиц жаловался на условия работы, отсутствие денег и боязнь лишиться своего места в Germanwings. Об этом рассказала его бывшая подруга, стюардесса Мариа В. в опубликованном в субботу интервью газете Bild.

    "Когда я услышала о крушении, у меня из головы не выходили его слова: "Однажды я сделаю что-то, что изменит всю систему, и все узнают о моем имени и сохранят его в памяти", - сообщила она. По ее словам, Лубиц заявил ей об этом в прошлом году.

    "Я никогда не знала, что он подразумевает, только сейчас это обрело смысл", - отметила девушка.
    Лечение у психиатра

    По словам Марии, о своем лечении Лубиц ей мало рассказывал, "только то, что он проходил психиатрическое обследование"...................


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