Saturday, May 23, 2015

Obama signs bill allowing Congress to review Iran nuclear deal

US President Barack Obama on Friday signed into law a bill that gives Congress the right to review a potential deal on Iran's nuclear program.

The legislation would give Congress the power to review a nuclear deal with Iran for 30 days and bar Obama from lifting any Congressional sanctions against Iran during that period.

If lawmakers disapprove of the deal, and then override a likely veto from Obama, his administration would lose the current power to waive certain economic sanctions Congress has imposed on Iran.

World powers are negotiating with Iran on a comprehensive nuclear deal that would lift economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for limits on its nuclear program. The two sides reached a framework agreement in April, and are seeking to finish a final deal by June 30.

On Friday, Obama reiterated that Iran must not be allowed to get a nuclear weapon, adding that he would not "accept a bad deal. "

"This deal will have my name on it, so nobody has a bigger personal stake in making sure that it delivers on its promise," Obama said at a Jewish congregation in Washington.

  Source:Xinhua -


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