Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Canada withdrawing fighter jets from Iraq, Syria, Trudeau tells Obama

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau reached out to Canada's traditional allies Tuesday after winning a landslide election mandate to change tack on global warming and return to the multilateralism sometimes shunned by his predecessor.

Monday's decisive win ended nearly a decade of Stephen Harper's Tory rule, prompting the 43-year-old Trudeau to rebuild ties that soured over the issue of climate change with a "constructive" new style of government.

"I want to say to this country's friends all around the world: Many of you have worried that Canada has lost its compassionate and constructive voice in the world over the past 10 years," the prime minister-elect told cheering supporters at a rally in Ottawa.

"On behalf of 35 million Canadians, we're back," said Trudeau, the telegenic son of the beloved late premier Pierre Trudeau.

The White House said President Barack Obama, whose administration had clashed with Harper on climate policy, looked forward to partnering with Trudeau on the combatting climate change, as all eyes turned towards the Paris climate conference in December.

But Trudeau verged from the path forged by his US ally on security, informing Obama by telephone Tuesday that he will withdraw fighter jets from a US-led coalition against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.

Trudeau said however that he will keep Canadian military trainers in northern Iraq...



  1. Canada's new Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau has reaffirmed his commitment to scaling back his country's involvement in the anti-Islamic State coalition in Iraq and Syria...

    Speaking to reporters late Tuesday, Trudeau said he and U.S. President Barack Obama discussed by phone Canada's involvement in the Washington-led coalition.

    "I committed that we would continue to engage in a responsible way that understands that Canada has a role to play in the fight against ISIL," he said, referring to the Islamic State.

    "But he understands the commitments I've made in ending the combat mission," Trudeau added.

    Trudeau, who led his Liberal Party to a commanding victory in Monday's parliamentary elections, campaigned on promises to bring home Canadian fighter jets and end his country's combat mission in Iraq and Syria. He has promised to keep military trainers in place, however.

    During their phone call, Obama committed to working with Trudeau on other issues ranging from climate change to trade promotion, according to White House officials.................

  2. New PM Tells Obama Canada to Withdraw Fighter Jets From Syria, Iraq...

    Mere hours after defeating Stephen Harper, Canadian Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau has told US President Obama that he will withdraw Canadian jets from Syria and Iraq.

    According to Reuters, the pledge was made as President Obama called to congratulate Trudeau on his election win.

    The Liberal leader ran on a promise to withdraw Canada's CF-18 bombers from the US-led coalition's military campaign against the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group. Earlier this year, Canada's Liberal Party fought against the Conservative government's proposal to extend combat missions from Iraq into Syria............

  3. Kanada zieht Kampfjets aus Syrien und dem Irak ab...

    Justin Trudeau löst sein erstes Wahlversprechen sofort ein: Kanadas künftiger Premier kündigt den Abzug der Kampfflugzeuge aus Syrien und dem Irak an.

    Nach dem Wahlsieg der Liberalen wird Kanada seine Luftangriffe gegen die Dschihadistenmiliz "Islamischer Staat" (IS) in Syrien und im Irak beenden. Liberalen-Chef Justin Trudeau, dessen Partei bei der Parlamentswahl am Montag die absolute Mehrheit geholt hatte, informierte US-Präsident Barack Obama nach eigenen Angaben am Dienstag per Telefon über die Entscheidung. Kanada werde zwar ein "starkes Mitglied" der US-geführten Koalition gegen den IS bleiben, sagte Trudeau vor Journalisten. Er habe Obama aber mitgeteilt, dass der "Kampfeinsatz" beendet


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